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Concrete Truck Wash

Concrete Truck Wash
Our Concrete Truck Wash is one of the most powerful concrete cleaners on the market. Powered by Enviro-Syn® HCR-7000™, a proprietary, eco-friendly Modified Acid™ technology, this product delivers superior performance while displacing weak organic or harsh mineral acid cleaners with a safe and effective alternative. It also prevents redeposition by coating the surface of the truck to ensure the unit stays clean longer and to improve future cleaning cycles.
Ideal for cleaning concrete and cement trucks and associated equipment
Compatible surfaces include gel coat, fiberglass, chrome, painted surfaces and most metals (NOTE: Avoid contact with raw aluminum surfaces and do not let product dry on surfaces)
Features & Benefits
Removes concrete, cement, oil, grease, dirt and grime
Enhanced formulation improves contact time to eliminate build up on all surfaces
Easy application and quick results
Readily Biodegradable
Deters future soiling and build-up