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Fluid offers a range of innovative, eco-friendly products for marine and transportation applications

Our products are suitable for cleaning, descaling, rust removal and odor control on marine vessels and vehicles.

Contact us to learn more, obtain product or safety data sheets, and to order.

Featured Products

Crystal Clear Boat Wash

Our Crystal Clear Boat Wash is one of the most powerful and eco-friendly cleaners on the market. With its concentrated foaming formula, a little goes a long way, so you spend less time cleaning and more time boating.

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Deck Cleaner​

Our Deck Cleaner is a powerful and eco-friendly non-skid product that effectively lifts dirt and grime from all boat surfaces including textured decks. Specially formulated to prevent redeposition, this product coats the deck surface so it stays cleaner longer and improves future cleaning cycles.

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HCR® Vehicle Wash

HCR® Vehicle Wash is a powerful cleaning product powered by our patented Enviro-Syn® HCR® technology. An eco-friendly modified acid, HCR® Vehicle Wash delivers superior performance over weaker organic or harsh mineral acid cleaners.

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