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Formulary Patents and Method Patents

Various methods are patented by Fluid Energy Ltd. (Dorf Ketal) and are covered by the following U.S. Patents: US 11,168,246B2; US 11,485,902B2; US 11,492,542B2; US 11,591,511B2; US 11,795,379B2; US 11,840,913B2; and US 11,898,098B2; and are subject to the following pending patent applications: US 17/516,214; US 17/934,293; US 18/069,091; US 18/145,590; US 18/583,037; US 18/614,124; and US 18/614,191.


Fluid’s HCR-7000 formulations are covered by the following patents: US 10,822,535B2 and are subject to the following pending patent applications: US16/691,815; US17/190,624; and US17/190,690.


Fluid’s HCR-6000 formulations are covered by the following patents: US 11,098,241B2; US 11,292,961B2; US 11,447,692B2; US 11,512,244B2; and US 11,795,381B2


Fluid’s HCR-2000 formulations are covered by the following patent: US 10,035,944B2.


Fluid’s HCR-8000 formulations are covered by the following patent: US 10,982,133B2 535B2 and are subject to the following pending patent application: 17/195,084.

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