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Enviro-Syn® HCR-7000-WL®
Enviro-Syn® HCR-7000-WL® is part of the proprietary, eco-friendly Modified Acid™ product portfolio that minimizes the hazardous exposure levels, corrosion rates and negative HSE properties of hydrochloric acid (HCl), while maintaining the positive aspects of solubilizing ability and reactivity rates. Enviro-Syn HCR-7000-WL is a strong modified acid that in concentrate has similar solubilizing abilities as 15% HCl and can be enhanced through the addition of conventional oilfield chemistry.
Fluid’s wireline compatible blends enable operators to spot acid with perforating bottom hole assemblies (BHAs) saving substantial amounts of water and time in hydraulic fracturing operations. High spent pH stability, and the calcium- and iron-coordinating effects of Enviro-Syn HCR-7000-WL reduces the precipitation issues prevalent with HCl. This will minimize or eliminate formation damage that can occur when using HCl as a spearhead acid and assist with effluent management.
Features & Benefits
Aggressive reaction rate (spend nature) versus typical modified or synthetic acid systems for spearhead treatments
Wireline compatible – custom blend allows
spotting of acid with wireline and tools in hole -
Reduces frac spread pumping time (average 10 – 15 min/stage depending on well design) as ball and acid are at perforations
Reduces water requirements by one hole volume per stage (average 30 – 50 m3/stage, 8,000 – 13,000 gal/stage depending on well design)
Allows acid to be accurately spotted across all perforation clusters for optimal acid diversion and frac placement
Adjust concentrations on the fly for zones with
tougher breakdowns -
Minimal reprecipitation of scale at high pH levels
Long-term casing and cable corrosion protection
in case of delayed events -
No degradation of wireline coating or jacket
Compatible with typical elastomers used in oil and
gas (e.g., Viton, Nitrile and EPDM) -
High stability in solution
Blends available up to 150°C (302°F)
Acid spearhead, stimulation and workover treatments
Enables spotting of spearhead acid with the perforating guns (patented and patent-pending process)
Enviro-Syn® HCR-7000-WL®
Product Data Sheet

Case Studies
Enviro-Syn® HCR-7000-WL®
Permian basin, Spraberry formation, Texas
Enviro-Syn® HCR-7000-WL® Modified Acid™ removes cement plugs
Permian basin, Wolfcamp formation, Texas
Enviro-Syn® HCR-7000-WL® Modified Acid™ technology saves operational time per stage and reduces HSE risk
DJ Basin, Niobrara Formation, Colorado
Enviro-Syn® HCR-7000-WL® Modified Acid™ system saves pumping time and mitigates HSE risk compared to HCl